• +237670831543
  • info@deserve-intl.org
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Deserve carries out activities and promotes policies to enhance population health and well-being. We work with community, national and global decision-makers and policy-makers to transform global commitments into local actions.

Education, empowerment and Sensitisation

 We are driven by the philosophy that the best way to enhance an individual’s health and overall well-being is to give them awareness/information. Our skills-based activities include:
• One-to-one, group, and media education and sensitisation activities for behaviour improvement through radio outreaches, digital information (e.g. social-media), educational talks in schools, peer trainings etc.
• Education on sexual and reproductive health and HIV mainly targeting girls, women, girls and young people.
• Education and sensitisation on cross cutting issues that affect healthy living, for instance: improved sanitation, feeding, environmental protection, biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation.
• Leadership empowerment that spurs critical thinking to contribute to health and well-being.
• Volunteering opportunities including but not limited to training of volunteers and professional development for those who want to build a career in the health and well-being sector.


 Our advocacy actions stress on meaningful engagement of concerned stakeholders.
• We advocate from grassroots to grasstops for policies, service delivery and increased financing targeting the health and well-being of vulnerable populations.
• Our value added in advocacy is the creation of tools to guide implementation, for instance, our Sexuality Education manual for secondary schools.

Research and Analysis

 We research on activities that promote sustainable development.
• We research to diagnose gaps in essential health and well-being services,
• We develop and promote evidence for action to improve the health and well-being of girls/women, children, adolescents, persons in humanitarian and fragile settings (HFS) and other vulnerable populations.

Partner at national, regional and global level to promote Universal Health Coverage (UHC)

We are partners with local, national, regional and global health partnerships to make a strong case for UHC in which quality care, reduction in costs of obtaining health care, improvement in healthcare workforce and primary health care are key priorities.

Toolkits development and dissemination

Developing and disseminating toolkits across target populations enhances our education, advocacy, research and analysis activities.